
Skunk Gets Put In Check After Trying to Bully a Possum

Nature is a wild thing at times, there are all kinds of videos capturing the interactions between animals of all different species. Obviously, there are some savage encounters between predator and prey, but there are also unusual and peculiar things that occasionally are witnessed.

In this video, we see a possum who was just grazing away and just minding his own business, when this skunk with an attitude problem tried to flex on him. The skunk hisses at the possum before charging to attack and then immediately regrets it. The possum laid the proverbial smackdown on this stinky critter with what appears to be a bodyslam into the ground, before moseying along on his way. The skunk was probably slightly stunned after the encounter and was left wondering what the f**k just happened. Just goes to show that even in nature if you don't start none there won't be none, and you shouldn't underestimate your opponents.

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