
Super Slow Motion Footage of Shooting an Egg (1 Million FPS)

Slow-motion (abbreviated as slo-mo or slow-mo) is a filmmaking effect in which time appears to be slow down. August Musger, an Austrian clergyman, invented the technique in the early twentieth century. This can be performed by using high-speed cameras and then playing the footage back at a standard rate, such as 30 frames per second, or by using software in post-production. In today's modern era we have high-end specialized cameras that can record footage in incredible resolutions and very high framerates.

This look is usually obtained by capturing each film frame at a considerably faster rate than it will be played back. Time appears to move more slowly when played at standard speed. Overcranking is a phrase for hand cranking an early camera faster than normal in order to create slow-motion footage (i.e. faster than 24 frames per second). Slow-motion can also be accomplished by slowing down already captured material. This method is more commonly used on video that is subjected to instant replay than on film.

The slow-mo guys Gav and Dan crank the frame rate all the way up to 11... plus 999,989 frames per second to film bullets as they gracefully glide through a lovely selection of eggs. This video was filmed with the Phantom TMX 7510 at 1 Million frames per second.
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