
Shohei Ohtani Celebrates Stolen Base by Rubbing One Out

Shohei Ohtani is one of the most popular baseball players we’ve had in recent memory. Part of that is due to the fact that he’s really, really good—but another, significant portion of that popularity can be attributed to the mystique that surrounds him.

Prior to the gambling scandal, what he did in his free time was shrouded in mystery. In fact, the main time we heard his name in the news for something not baseball-related was when he got a dog. Yes, it’s cute, but not substantial enough to get the people talking.

Now, however, we might have learned something new about the player: how he likes to crank it. After stealing a base at a recent game against the Phillies, he decided to clean off his glove—but is that really what he was doing? Let’s take a closer look…yeah, he’s jackin’ it.

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