
'I Would Lose My Mind': A Day In the Life of a Mother of 12

Dougherty Dozen is a TikTok mother of twelve, who films herself taking care of the monumental household chores that come with raising a dozen children. In this first clip, she can be seen folding her family's laundry, and it's more clothes than can fit in her living room.

Dougherty Dozen has other videos like making breakfast, and grocery shopping, that show just how much different standard chores are with that many people under one roof. "I would loose my mind if I had to do that," one person comments. "Don't they help? I think everyone should join to help," another person says.

While her lifestyle is certainly not for everyone, she definitely seems happy with it. She has videos describing how to have a happy marriage, and her love for her kids is apparent. As one comment says, "This is a kind of nightmare I don't need. But I love your beautiful family! You're so strong!"

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