
'She Tried to Hook Up With My Husband!': 93-Year-Old Grandma Bans Her, Ex, Her Mailman and a Wannabe Homewrecker From Her Funeral

One TikTok-ing grandma proved that beef doesn’t simply stop after death, heading to social media with an impassioned digital addendum to her last will and testament, banning several people from her funeral.

Though Grandma Droniak may be alive, well, and running a TikTok empire at 93, the elderly influencer recently took some time to plan for her eventual funeral, informing her followers of the four people who better not even think about showing up for her inevitable end of life celebration.

Beyond barring her ex-boyfriend Billy, his sister and her “handsome but r–e” mailman, Grandma Droniak also took aim at Bertha, a woman she said once tried to get with her hubby.

“Don’t let Bertha in!” she yelled “She tried to hook up with my husband! Shame on her!”

Moral of the story? Don’t attempt to f—k people’s husbands, lest you end up barred from what will absolutely be the TikTok funeral of the century.


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