
Shark Swallows a Camera and Shows What it Looks Like to Be Eaten Alive

This shark swallows a diver's camera before spitting it out. The footage gives us a glimpse at what it might look like to be eaten alive.

Although sharks only kill about five to ten people every year according to the Australian Institute of Marine science, death by shark is still one of the most common fears around. This shark appears to be a lemon shark, a common species along the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean. Although the lemon shark is considered a relatively safe species, and has no recorded fatal encounters, there is something about seeing its insides that triggers a primal instinct of fear. "Well... thats a phobia I was now forced to come face to face with.... thanks," one person comments.

On the other hand, the inside of a shark seems slightly more pleasant than anticipated. "Is it just me or does it look comfy AF in there?" one person asks. It does... minus all those teeth.

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