
Shannon Sharpe Has Had Enough of Skip Bayless

In his first appearance back on 'Undisputed' since Damar Hamlin's life-threatening injury against the Bengals, Shannon Sharpe made his feelings about Skip Bayless' tweet very clear.

"And hopefully, Skip we take it down," Shannon stated. As we've all come to expect, Skip got very combative, very quickly. At which point Shannon threw up his hands in exasperation. "I mean I cannot even get through a monologue without you interrupting me."

I said this before, but this is EXACTLY who Skip Bayless is. He won't delete the tweet. He does whatever he can for clicks. He's played this role for his entire career. I'm just glad Shannon Sharpe finally spoke up.

Damar Hamlin still remains in critical condition. According to Hamlin's uncle, the Bills' safety was originally on 100% oxygen, and is now on 50%. That was the most recent update.
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