Eye-Opening Tour Inside a Plastics Factory
nootens Published 05/25/2020
There's enough videos of people making ordinary things in factories that some executives could turn them into an entire TV channel dedicated to this kind of content.
Just non-stop videos of people showing you how random stuff gets made. Who wouldn't watch that?
You could play the clips in waiting rooms, on airplanes, even during the middle of a school day if the teacher wants to take a nap. Everyone's gonna eat it up.
For more videos of people doing stuff that you thought would be boring but is actually not boring, press the clicky click.
Just non-stop videos of people showing you how random stuff gets made. Who wouldn't watch that?
You could play the clips in waiting rooms, on airplanes, even during the middle of a school day if the teacher wants to take a nap. Everyone's gonna eat it up.
For more videos of people doing stuff that you thought would be boring but is actually not boring, press the clicky click.