
Butt Crazed Security Guard Steals Three Sniffs, Gets Busted on The Fourth

After three successful sniffs, this fart-craved security guard gets caught with his nose in some poor woman's derriere. The security guard in the video was fired for sniffing the woman's butt, while she worked out unaware.

The video comes from a gym at an undisclosed location, but went viral shortly after it was posted to TikTok by user @famous_d87, who wrote on the post, "HE IS THE SECURITY @ MY ROOFTOP PRIVATE GYM HE WAS DEFINITELY FIRED."

Apparently the gym was a private gym in a residence, which makes the case all that more creepy.

The disturbing video shows the man in question, getting down on his hands and knees underneath a woman as she unknowingly continues to work out, while he sniffs her butt.

Some people just don't belong out in public with the rest of us, and if you can't stop yourself from sniffing people's butt's in public, you don't belong there.
Categories: Wtf Facepalm Fail

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