
El Chapo’s Secret Escape Route Is Absolutely Diabolical

An inside look at the workings of an escape cellar created by the infamous druglord and crime syndicate leader.

If you're not familiar with Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán, he was one of the most powerful drug traffickers in the world. He became one of the most successful drug smugglers by his use of distribution centers and tunnels placed near the borders of countries. He also owned a total of nine houses, as he was typically on the run from authorities and most times in hiding.

So it makes sense that he would have cellars, secret doors, and tunnels in his own houses. He was eventually captured in 1993, but then escaped from prison in 2001 after bribing the guards.

After being arrested again in 2014, he escaped with the help of some associates who dug a tunnel into his jail cell. Needless to say, El Chapo was one sneaky bastard.

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