
This Seattle Highway Exit is a High Speed Accident Factory

The Union Street exit off of Seattle's southbound I-5 is a high speed accident factory, as proven by this video of 17 crashes over the past few years. Originally shared to Reddit, the video has been watched millions of times on different platforms, and displays a perfect union of poor urban planning and idiotic driving.

The exit is a right turn off the interstate, and goes through a poorly lit tunnel before emerging right into an intersection. While there are signs urging drivers to slow down, they are small and easy to miss. The result is drivers going from a dark tunnel into blinding sunlight at highway speeds, and coming face to face with an intersection. Still, you'd have to be an idiot to come flying off an interstate in the middle of a city. Too bad the roads are full of them.

This dash-cam video shows what it looks like to drive the exit.

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