
Seal Chases Down Fisherman Feeding Birds and Eats All His Fish

Sharing is caring. That's one of the first things they teach you in pre-school, and a concept this seal knew he could take advantage of. After watching a fisherman throw his catches to some hungry pelicans, this seal slipped onto the back of the boat in one slick movement and stuck his head right into the fishy fridge for a fulfilling feast. 

"Seal sat down like he was at a buffet," @TheRealFredLee said.

"Enjoying happy hour," @Eris51893225 joked.

But many people were quick to point out that this isn't any old seal, but Poncho; a famous seal that patrols the waters around Cabo and regularly hops onto the backs of boats for some sunbathing and an occasional sea snack.

"I believe that’s Pancho. He’s famous in Cabo," @colsiegirl said. 

Yep! My wife and I @JessicaStipano1 had the opportunity to meet him in January, @RyanStipUTES said, sharing a video

Many other people shared videos of their own run-ins with Poncho. So the next time you're boating around the bottom of Baja California, be ready to get paid a visit by the water's friendliest, and hungriest seal. 


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