
Sea Lions Chase After Tourists at La Jolla Beach in San Diego

Locals only, bro! The time has finally come and nature is beginning to fight back against us pesky people. This footage come to us from La Jolla Beach in San Diego and captures the moment when a duo of angry sea lions began chasing tourists around the beach.

The encounter was relatively quick and no one was attacked, but these sea dogs looked absolutely pissed. And why wouldn't they be? Their beach has been stolen by tourists.

If we can give our two cents, to the sea lions who may or may not be reading this. Don't try to fight the humans on land, you need to wait until they enter the water. That's your domain. You won't get far fighting people where they're strongest.

Now for my fellow peoples, don't worry about being eaten by a sea lion this summer, or a shark. You don't have to be the fastest swimmer in the water to avert danger, just faster than the person next to you.

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