
‘Scalp Crackin’’ Looks Like a Really Bad Idea

Like many people, I’m helplessly addicted to cracking my knuckles. While it’s not harmful, it definitely feels like something our bodies shouldn’t do — like when someone tells you they’re double-jointed, then proceeds to put their foot behind their head. It’s impressive, but surely that’s not how the good lord intended for us to use our bodies.

For the past year, there’s been a TikTok trend that’s tested this idea to its absolute limit. It’s called “hair cracking” or “scalp cracking,” and it’s where you pull your hair until your skin detaches from your skull. It offers no benefit, and if you do it too much, it could potentially lead to traction alopecia or bleeding. But at least you can scare your friends and family with it!

Tags: wow wtf funny lulz

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