Russians Freak Out About High-Tech American Vapes
Vape technology has progressed a lot in recent years, and that’s not necessarily a good thing.
As teens have gotten hooked on nicotine in new and exciting ways, the methods through which that nicotine is delivered have become unique and, honestly, kind of strange. While it may have started with the humble Juul, now, the teens of today are filling their lips with Zyns and hitting vapes that have more of the jittery stuff than five packs of cigarettes put together.
The vapes themselves have also become a bit over-the-top, which can be jarring to foreigners who want to visit the country and try our addictive wares. Here, a group of Russians try out their American vape, and discover that, for some reason, you can place a call with it.
Hear that, Ruskis? That’s the sound of freedom!