
Russian Fighter Jet Crashes Into Apartment Building In Michigan

One pilot proved that ejector seats serve more of a purpose than aiding Looney Tunes gags this weekend, shooting himself and a passenger to safety before their fighter jet crashed into an apartment building.

Hitting the skies as a part of last weekend’s Thunder Over Michigan air show in Ypsilanti, it’s unclear why the MiG-2 crashed, the Federal Aviation Administration still looking into the accident, per the Detroit Free Press.

Though no one was injured in the incident, both the pilot and the passenger parachuting down to Belleville Lake below, the aircraft most definitely was, smashing straight into a car parked at the nearby Waverly on the Lake Apartments.

Narrowly avoiding hitting the housing complex 9/11 style, the collision resulted in a massive fiery explosion resulting in a truly badass-looking fireball.

RIP, fighter jet. May you be remembered for your various booms, both sonic and slapstick.

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