
Roseanne Barr: "It's time that they pass a law that no woman can run for any office."

Here's the transcript of the video: "Hi. Well, I hate to say it but I think it's time that they pass a law that no woman can run for any office in the country. Women need to be banned from all sort of government, running for anything. They’re all too crazy, they’re just too crazy to be trusted. You know what I mean? One woman who almost wins she takes two years to tear this country apart to contest the fact that she lost, and I mean women are just too crazy to be having any responsibilities. I never thought I’d be saying anything like this, but this is what I’m thinking now. I’m in my sixties and I’m like damn, is that what I fought for? That kind of shit is what i fought for? I don’t think so. They need to pass a law, executive order, get women out of government, shut em up, go home bitch. That’s it. Thank you."
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