
Ring Camera Fiery Explosion Destroys Homes, Kills 5 In Pennsylvania

Ring cameras — great for catching package thieves, the UPS dude absolutely eating it, and massive, suburb-leveling explosions?

One homeowner in Plum, Pennsylvania experienced exactly that on Saturday morning after their home security camera captured the massive, fiery blast that left five dead.

Though the explosion razed three homes and destroyed tens of others nearby, the house in question also experienced its fair share of detonation damage, a piece of shrapnel landing in their hedges and what appears to be a porch decoration falling to the ground.

It’s unclear what caused the blast — “this investigation may last for months, if not years,” Steve Imbarlina of Allegheny County emergency services told the New York Times — one thing is certain: That Ring camera is giving Michael Bay a run for his money. 

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