
Ring Camera Captures Epic Conclusion to Police Chase

A Ring home security camera captured the final moments of an intense police chase that came to a stunning end several weeks ago in Rochester, NY.   

On a Wednesday afternoon at 4L30, state troopers attempted to stop the car only for the two suspects to make an attempt to flee. Reportedly, the chase quickly got out of hand and it wasn't long before the suspects lost control of their vehicle and went skidding like a skipping stone across the street and into someone's yard.

 The two passengers being pursued in the chase that resulted in a roll-over incident have been identified by Rochester Police and charged. Both twenty-somethings wwere each charged with  two counts of criminal possession of a weapon. Following their investigation, police found a loaded rifle, a loaded gun, and ammo. 

You have to love the guy coming out of his house only to quickly decide against that half a second later. Wise.

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