
Ridiculously Entitled Prius Driver Gets Pulled Over in San Francisco

Anyone who has driven a car has undoubtedly experienced some of the worst drivers and entitled people among us. From bullying their way into traffic, cutting you off, on their phones while they drive, the list goes on and on. I'm not sure why some people think they are above the rules of the road and should be given special treatment, but they most certainly do.

This woman was pulled over by a police officer for going 16 miles an hour over the speed limit. She denies she was speeding at all and proceeds to have a Karen-styled meltdown as she proclaims she's going to city hall to fight the ticket. She demands the cameraman stop filming as is her "right as an American citizen", to which he politely declines. She then proceeds to stop multiple times pestering other officers who are busy and on traffic stops of their own to bug them about the validity of the ticket.

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