
Rick Winters’ 172 ft. World Record High Dive Still Holds Up

Check out Rick Winters’ 172 ft. world record high dive. This dive is absolutely nuts, and just seeing the height from the various camera angles provided is terrifying enough. The feeling of knowing that even your smallest mistake can have potentially fatal consequences has to be completely daunting.

This dive was the first of four dives at this height as part of the 1983 World Record High Dive Competition. I highly recommend taking a look at it in more detail here. The competition took place on ABC, and consisted of four divers all competing at what was a new world record height. Winters was the first diver to go, and thus the first to break the record, although the third dive by Dana Kunze was by far the most impressive. The fourth diver sustained serious injuries. Since this jump, people have jumped from higher, but never without sustaining injuries, and completing a full flip in the air, which are the rules of diving. By that definition, this can still be considered a world record.
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