
Rich Lady Has Obviously Never Pumped Her Own Gas Before

This woman with her new Mercedes and fancy dress has obviously never pumped gas in her life, as evidenced by her many trials and tribulations to re-fill here. Hilarity ensues after the gas hose cannot reach far enough to put gas in a car parked in front of the other pump, an obstacle this woman has a hard time overcoming.

Instead of realizing that perhaps her car should go in front of the pump she's using, she goes about measuring the distances, and repeatedly pulling her car around in circles and trying new wonky angles. After a few tries she learns the hard way that a gas cap only exists on one side of a car, before eventually figuring it all out, perhaps with the help of an onlooker. Kudos to our camera operator however, as they were happy to watch and enjoy the show, putting our amusement over her convenience.

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