
It Turns Out RFK Jr. Was the Guy Who Dumped a Bear's Corpse in Central Park in 2014

The more RFK Jr. speaks, the more we realize what an absolutely unhinged life he’s led. There have been worms that have eaten at his brain, allegations that he ate dog (and posed for a picture with the cooked pooch), and when asked if he groped a former babysitter, he said that he is “not a church boy.” Something tells me that defense wouldn’t hold up in court, but I digress.

Now, we have another entry into the long list of RFK Jr. oddities. In short, he says he took a bear cub that had been hit by a car and dumped it in Central Park. His explanation is that he planned to take it home, skin it and keep the meat, but simply ran out of time (happens to the best of us). Instead, he dumped the bear corpse in Central Park — and sparked a news firestorm that we’re all now revisiting with new eyes. 

Categories: Wtf Animals & Nature
Tags: rfk_jr bear wow wtf

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