
If You Stay Up Too Late You Might Have ‘Revenge Bedtime Procrastination’

I didn't need this personal attack today. I also don't need a TikTok doctor telling me what I already know. Yes I enjoy staying up late because that's my personal time. Got it.

However in a recent viral video, TikTokker lifeofadoctor has dubbed this completely normal human experience as 'Revenge Bedtime Procrastination.' Sure, whatever you need to call it to get through the day. I'll call it being physically and mentally drained from a full day of work, but not tired enough to go to sleep and waste an entire night. The 5-day work week is an absolute sham.

I don't need a medical term for binging TV shows and eating snacks until 1am. I'll be just fine using my personal time the way I want to, thanks doc.

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