
Rescuers Dangle Sausage From Drone to Save Drowning Dog

This hilarious video comes to us from Hampshire, England, where a group of creative rescuers helped save a lost dog by hanging a sausage from a drone and leading the pup to safety. As the tide began to rise, this poor pup was running out of time to be saved.

Now drastic times call for drastic measures, or in case we can say hilarious.

The rescue was led by Denmead Drone Search and Rescue (DDSAR), who helped save Millie, who had been lost in the mud flats for a whole two days.

When news of the story first went viral, we never would have expected the incident was caught on camera, but alas, it was, and it's worth every second it takes to watch.

What surely looked like a strange sight to anyone watching, a drone taking sausage for a ride, was just the kind of ingenuity needed to bring this pup home to safety.
Categories: Wow

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