Repairman Trusts a Fart He Shouldn't Have, Craps His Pants
Andrew Cunningham Published 07/29/2022
We've all had moments in life when something was quite right with our stomachs. That gurgling and rumbling in your tummy that is almost certainly an indicator of one or two things. Perhaps you just ate too much, or maybe something you ate didn't agree with you. Sometimes letting out a big ole beefer makes you feel much better but it is not without its own risks. You could feel that instant relief after letting one rip, but you may also end up needing a change of underwear and a shower.
This poor worker was prepping to do a job for this homeowner and made the mistake of trusting a fart he shouldn't have. Hat in hand he has to go ask the homeowner if they can reschedule the visit with the now class line of "Uh sir... can we reschedule? I just sh*t my pants".
This poor worker was prepping to do a job for this homeowner and made the mistake of trusting a fart he shouldn't have. Hat in hand he has to go ask the homeowner if they can reschedule the visit with the now class line of "Uh sir... can we reschedule? I just sh*t my pants".