
Remembering When ‘Deez Nuts’ Had a Shot at the Presidency

The election just happened, and everyone is already sick of talking about it.

In times like these, where your coworker who started following politics three weeks ago will insist on trying to tell you “what all this means for the future of the country,” it’s nice to look back at some of the other silly times in our political history. Specifically, it’s nice to look at Deez Nuts.

Back before the 2016 election, a man by the name of Brady C. Olson had the incredible idea of running for president under the name Deez Nuts. Shockingly, he did pretty well in early polling, showing figures between 8 and 9 percent in states like Iowa and North Carolina.

Of course, a Deez Nuts presidency never came to pass, but it’s still fun to gaze backwards and wonder what life would have been like under Nuts.


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