
Remembering the Time a Woman Got Helivac’d Into Scrambled Eggs

You hear that? That’s the sound of lawsuit money pouring into her bank account.

Back in 2019, a woman named Katalin Metro, 74, was hiking when she tripped and broke her nose, an experience that left her disoriented.

Knowing she wouldn’t be able to make it down the mountain alone, she waited for assistance, but when it came, they asked to helivac her out. She wasn’t too thrilled about the idea of getting picked up by a helicopter, but eventually came around to the idea and let them attach her to the helicopter.

The helicopter proceeded to spin her 174 times.

Claiming that this amount of spinning left her injured and dizzy for days, she later filed a $2 million lawsuit; a settlement of $450k was then approved.

You tell me: Would you get spun 174 times for $450k?

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