
Relentless Karen Goes off on Former NFL Star Terrell Owens

T.O. is a better man than I am.

I would've lost my sh*t. But cooler heads prevailed. According to a video taken by ex-NFL wide receiver Terrell Owens, he was driving to his mailbox when a woman began screaming at him to slow down.

She then claims that he - a black man - charged toward her - a white woman. To which T.O. vehemently denies ever charging after her. The NSFW video continues as the 'Karen' relentlessly shouts and harasses Owens, even after the police have arrived.

Owens then states that he's seen situations like this, but he's never been involved with a 'Karen.' When everything seems to have settled, the woman begins crying hysterically. It's pretty absurd really. She also claims that Owens tried to hit her with his car. Seemingly all of these claims are coming out of left field.

But please, have a look for yourself.

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