
Life-sized Hot Wheels Loop-de-loop is a Childhood Dream Come True

There is nothing better than whipping out some Hot Wheels cars, hooking together a sweet track, and taking those things banger racing complete with jumps and loops. Those are facts that stay true if you're six years old with some matchbox cars your mom bought you after some serious begging on the weekly Walmart trip, or if you're a 40 year old dude with some big bucks to spend and an overbearing feeling of nostalgia towards the past and re-capturing that childhood bliss and glory.

This X-Games stunt captures the essence of Hot Wheels perfectly, with two cars lined up on the iconic orange track, all set up to face off in a loop and jump, with no fear, and most importantly not a care in the world. The only difference this time is that perhaps there's a little less crashing than normal. That's ok, there's real people in the car this time.

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