
Ridiculed Australian Breakdancer Raygun Has Finally Spoken Out

In case you missed the Olympics this year, the breakout star was an Australian woman named Rachel Gunn, aka “Raygun.” She competed in the newly-formed (and, maybe thanks to her actions, newly-removed) Olympic sport of breakdancing, or “breaking.”

Her performance “broke” everyone’s minds, by which I mean it was so terrible that it was all anyone could talk about for the next few days. Countless memes were made, conspiracy theories were crafted about her cheating her way to the top and more — and while all of that was happening, we were waiting with bated breath to see how on Earth Raygun would try to explain her actions once all the fury died down.

Now, she’s given us an answer — sort of. In short, she says that she really did try her hardest (that makes it worse), that she earned her spot legitimately and that people should stop harassing her family. She also addresses all of the “hate” that she got following the performance.

Look, I’m sorry, but if you show up to the Olympics and do a dance that looks like a dog rolling in its own excrement, that’s going to happen.


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