
'Ratchet' Menu Items To Avoid Ordering On Dates, According to Toxic TikTok Dating Coach

Wondering what not to order on your next date? Steer clear of Fettuccine Alfredo, Moscato, and a whole host of other “rachet dishes” if one controversial social media dating guru is to be believed.

Late last month, a three-year-old clip from self-described “Enchantress” SheraSeven’s YouTube channel began making the rounds on TikTok, arguing that not all foods are created equal when it comes to making a good impression with your date.

“There are stereotypical food items on menus that ratchet people order,” the creator explained in the short video reposted to @feminineclips on May 24.

“Wherever you go, do not order these signature rachet dishes, okay?” she implored her viewers before encouraging them to “get ya’ll pens out.”

So what exactly constitutes a “rachet dish?” beyond the aforementioned pasta and wine offerings, chicken nuggets, Hennessy and several other condiments also made the list.

“Do not order extra ranch for anything,” she advised. “do not order a bowl of lemons to make lemonade.”

So take it from sheraseven – when life, or a waiter,  gives you a bowl of lemons, making lemonade may not be the best idea.

Categories: Fail

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