
Rare Footage Shows Sleeping Octopus Changing Color While Dreaming

Octopuses (or Octopi if you're one of those people) are truly incredible creatures. They habitat every ocean in the world and there are over 300 different species of them. Nearly all octopuses are predatory and feed on everything from worms, fish, molluscs, and even other cephalopods.

Octopuses are highly intelligent creatures and have demonstrated problem-solving capabilities in laboratory experiments. Octopuses can readily be trained to distinguish between different shapes and patterns. They have also been observed "playing" by releasing bottles or toys into a circular current in their aquariums and then catching them.

Octopuses use camouflage to avoid predators and while hunting. Using their specialized skin cells, they can adjust colour, opacity, or reflectivity of the skin. This color-changing ability is also used to communicate with or warn other octopuses.
Categories: Ftw Wow Animals & Nature

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