
Racist Streamer Gets Pepper Sprayed While Live

Aww, poor guy (not).

It’s always satisfying to see an asshole get their comeuppance. It’s even better when it happens on their own stream.

Over the years, we’ve seen plenty of streamers get the shit kicked out of them, and in most cases, they absolutely deserve it. For example, who can watch the video of Johnny Somali getting beat to hell in the streets of Korea without cracking at least a little bit of a smile?

Now, just because we could all use a little bit more of that feeling, we’re reviewing one of the final streaming moments of a dude who went by the name Jackool. His whole thing was walking around and trying to piss people off — and one guy got so pissed off that he decided to pepper-spray the streamer.

Completely deserved, IMO!

Categories: Ouch People & Lifestyle

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