
Queensland Senator Punches Teen After Being Egged

On Saturday, a 17-year-old smashed an egg on Australian Senator Fraser Anning's head while speaking to the media in Melbourne. The Senator came under fire for comments made shortly after the recent white supremacist attack on two Mosque's in Christchurch, New Zealand, killing at least 50. In reaction to the incident, Anning said: "The real cause of bloodshed on New Zealand streets today, is the immigration program which allowed Muslim fanatics to migrate to New Zealand in the first place." He went on to say that Muslims "may have been the victims today; usually they are the perpetrators."

The teen, now being widely referred to as "Egg Boy" was arrested at the scene. The Australian Prime Minister has since come out in support of Egg Boy, and has called for the resignation of the Senator, and said that "The full force of the law should be applied to Sen. Anning."
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