
Protestors Block High-Speed Traffic on Rainy Day and Regret It Instantly

A group of protestors thought to block highway traffic on a rainy day -- an idea which quickly proved regrettable. Despite the weather conditions providing the least favorable atmosphere possible, these dedicated folks decided to show up anyway to voice their opinions and support a cause they believe in. Things quickly spiraled out of control, as they often will do in poor weather, especially the type involving low visibility and slick roadways due to rain.

Standing in the middle of an active or busy road is never a good idea, as these folks quickly found out. They were successful in their attempt to stop cars on the highway, however, not all of the drivers were able to stop in time. Perhaps they were not paying attention, maybe they were distracted by their phone or kids in the car, regardless of the reason, the protestors watch car after car smash into the back of the suddenly stopped vehicles on this rainy day.

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