
Protestor Fends Off Cops with Firework Cannon

Use what you’ve got, I guess.

Over in the beautiful Caucausian country of Georgia (don’t cancel me, that’s what the region is called), things aren’t going too well. They recently had an election in which the ruling party scored a significantly larger majority than expected — which, in turn with some suspicious videos and allegations, has led the opposition to claim that the election was stolen.

Pair that with some controversial laws, a president who disagrees with the Parliament, and a new government saying that they’re putting off trying to join the European Union, and you’ve got a powder keg that’s currently in the process of exploding.

Over the past few days, people have taken to the streets to show their disdain for the present government, an action that’s been met with an incredible amount of force from the police.

In response, this guy decided to hit them with a firework cannon.


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