
'Private Equity CEO' Accidentally Reveals He Doesn't Do Any Work

CEOs love talking about how much they work. Actually working, though? Not so much.

See, while the average CEO will claim that they spend every possible hour they can devoted to their company, that sentiment becomes a little fuzzier when you realize they consider “getting lunch” and “scrolling Twitter” as essential parts of the workday. Oh, no, sorry, they’re “networking” — I’ll remember that next time I’m in the bar complaining about work to a stranger. Those could be billable hours!

For example, these people say they’re working to start a private equity company. They’re also sharing what they do in a day in the process of actually getting this company off the ground, ranging from going for a run, to going to conferences, to relaxing, to going to the club… Wait a minute, are we actually going to do any work here?

If I were an investor watching this video, I’d be making a few calls.

Categories: Wtf People & Lifestyle

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