
Policeman Left Dangling Upside Down in his Shit-Stained Underwear after Failing to Jump a Fence

This policeman tried to jump a fence and ended up landing himself in a predicament. His pants snagged, leaving him dangling upside down, his walkie-talkie just out of reach on the ground. Worse, he managed to soil his tightey-whities. First one passerby notices, then another, and in no time a small crowd gathers to record, point, and laugh at the cop who shit himself.

“Don’t help him… he’s a police officer, he’s a scumbag,” one man behind the camera insists nobody intervene on behalf of everybody who’s ever been wronged by the cops. Let the poop-stained popo figure it out for himself.

In the meantime, sit back and enjoy this law enforcement officer’s miserable attempt to right himself.

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