
Podcast Boss Says You Shouldn't Hire People With Ugly Girlfriends, Only Wants Ugly Guys Working For Him

Podcaster and "7 Figure/Yr Nationwide Virtual Wholesaler" Tyson Smith doesn't think that you should hire anybody with an ugly spouse, because it means they "can't close." Tweeting out the clip, the Twitter account Hurt CoPain captioned it, "We need a national ban on podcast equipment." While those measures might be a bit extreme, Smith's podcast, "The Rebellion Podcast," dabbles in a mixture of sketchy financial advice, and full-blown grindset rhetoric. He also attempted to clap back at Hurt CoPain's tweet, claiming that the video brought him "Millions of views, thousands of followers," and "hundreds of job applicants."

Smith says that the person he wants to hire the most is the "ugly dude with the hot wife because I know that man can close." Not only does this fail to recognize women as people altogether, but Smith says that he paid for this advice. As one comment says, "This guy definitely doesn’t know how to close a deal 'cause he got ripped off by paying for this advice.

Categories: Eww Wtf Facepalm

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