Planes Collide While Training Ahead of Airshow in Colombia

Two planes collided mid-air last Saturday while practicing for the annual independence parade in Bogotá Colombia on July 20.

While flying out of Captain Luis Francisco Gómez Niño Air Base in Villavicencio, 18-year Columbian Air Force veteran Lieutenant Colonel Mario Andres Espinosa collided with another plane, while flying in a pack of Embraer EMB 312 Tucano training aircraft. Following the collision, Espinosa's plane burst into flames, and he was tragically killed. The other pilot managed to crash-land and is being treated for injuries. It is reported that Espinosa leaves behind a family. 

Video of the incident was filmed by plane enthusiasts excited for the upcoming airshow and is now circulating on social media. The incident is reminiscent of a crash during the Dallas airshow late last year, that killed six people. 

Hopefully, new safety measures can be established that end tragedies for the sake of airshows. 


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