
Plane's Cockpit Cam Shows Real Birdstrike During Landing

The cockpit cam of this jetliner looks like it's going to get some nice footage of a standard buttery smooth landing. That is, until a low level bird strike scares the heck out of the pilots, and makes the landing a nerve wracking one.

"Whoa... shit!" Exclaims the pilot. Luckily for this plane, the bird strikes the windshield instead of an engine, something that has been known to disable planes. The miracle on the Hudson was famously caused by a double bird strike. Such a strike at this altitude could have critically impacted this landing.

Luckily for the crew, the only real damage is done to the bird, and the plane is able to complete its landing without issue.

In the olden days, chicken cannons were used to test the strength of airline windshields against situations like this.

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