
Plane Does a Hand-Break Turn, Splits in Half on Runway

A DHL Cargo Boeing 757 crash landed in Costa Rica approximately one half hour after it had taken off from that very airport. The plane partook in a dramatic landing where it locked its wheels and skidded into a sharp 180 degree spin, its tail snapping in half as it dipped down an embankment. Miraculously both crew members were not harmed.

The 22 year old aircraft reportedly suffered a hydraulic failure, and 10 minutes after taking off the pilots declared mayday, and began a return run to the airport. After holding for about 20 minutes, presumably to dump fuel before a crash landing, the plane made its dramatic touchdown.

The plane was beginning a cargo trip to Guatemala. Investigators will be investigating the crash, and Boeing, who has not had the best reputation of late, has deferred all questioning to them. Either way, it's not often you see a plane spit in half, and everyone escape unharmed.

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