
Pineapple Man is the Real Winner of the NYC Marathon

The New York City Marathon is a display of otherworldly athleticism and is full of the fastest long-distance runners in the world. While Evans Chebet winning the marathon with a time of 2:08:41 is incredible, perhaps the most impressive athletic feat came from the 68-year-old Israeli runner Moshe Lederfien, who completed the entire distance of the marathon with a pineapple balanced on his head.

Videos of Lederfien quickly popped up all over the internet, with people feeling that his pineapple accessory perfectly fit the "just don't question it" attitude of seeing odd things in New York. Lederfien is apparently a small celebrity in Israel, and has actually run over 12 marathons with a pineapple on his head, and has an Instagram page dedicated to it. He most recently completed the Berlin marathon and has even run a race with a flower pot atop his dome. Apparently, the theme of his stunt is "balance," and he says that he'd be willing to switch the object out for a bottle of wine, but people like the pineapple. What a legend.


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