
Pharmacist Tries the Weird Pills You Find at the Gas Station

Have you ever wondered what those pills you see at the gas station actually do? Well, now a pharmacist is here to find out!

If you’ve never been to an American gas station, the checkout is a treasure trove of pills with labels that indicate you should never put them in your body. With names like “Rhino 69” and “Super Panther,” these pills usually promise things like enhanced energy, concentration, focus, and, if you’re lucky, a boost in your sex drive. They won’t explain how they do those things (it’s usually just caffeine), but goddamn it will they try to convince you that their colorful pills are basically the same as over-the-counter Adderall.

On that note, this pharmacist discovered a gas station product called “Addall XR” (no idea what that’s trying to be). After breaking down the ingredients of the product, which claims to provide the user with “A.I.-powered focus,” he eats one — and experiences a host of side effects.

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