
People Who Can’t Do This Squat Have a Higher Chance of Dying in 6 Years

This segment from TODAY is all about cardiovascular health, and DIY tests you can use to help gauge your status. In the segment, Dr. Natalie Azar chaotically walks the show's hosts through each test, concluding with the "Sit-to-stand" test. According to her, "If you can't do that, you do have a higher risk of you know what in six years."

The test has gone viral on TikTok, with plenty of viewers trying it out for themselves. Despite the ease with which Dr. Azar's assistant pulls off the maneuver, it's incredibly hard, even for healthy people. On, Azar says that the "test is an effective indicator of health because you have to have strong cardiovascular health, good balance, agility, flexibility, and core and leg strength to be able to complete it." She also acknowledged that the 2012 study from which the test originates admitted that older participants scored lower on the test.
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