‘People Go Bye Bye’ Male Karen Threatens Woman in a Walmart

This male Karen in Walmart has some crazy ideas, and is not scared to let everybody hear them while throwing in a few threats. Oh, and he's filming too as if he's not the one causing the problem.

After proclaiming that people who don't speak English in the United States die, it would seem that he has a hard time understanding that the person he is speaking to in fact does speak English, and that the majority of other countries around the world have many people who don't speak English and they don't spontaneously die. He also threatens an employee, and claims to be an MMA trainer who has been part of training Connor McGregor. I'm going to have a hard time believing that one.

It's important to remember that Karens can be men too, and that racism still very much exists in the United States. Oh, and mind your damn business at Walmart.


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