
People Didn’t Know You Couldn’t Bring Handbags Into the Inauguration, So Now D.C. is Littered with Expensive Bags

If you were in the market for a new bag, head down to the nation’s capital and get one for free!

Earlier this week, President Donald Trump was inaugurated for a second term. The inauguration and surrounding festivities had everything: the Village People, possible Nazi salutes, cleavage—what more could you ask for?

What it *didn’t* have, apparently, were handbags. As the inauguration was moved inside due to weather, people dressed to the nines—not realizing that their fancy bags wouldn’t be allowed inside the White House. And so, they simply dumped them outside, leaving scavengers to pick up an expensive new bag for the low, low price of Free.

Categories: Ftw Politics
Tags: trump wow

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