
People Can't Not Crash At Random Corner

For a reason unbeknownst to anyone, people can't seem to not crash at this random corner. Ok, maybe the reason definitely is that there's a blind alley onto a bigger street, but I still can't figure out why people seem to think it's a good idea to come steaming across it at full speed? And why don't the people on the bigger street recognize that maybe they should leave a little space?

Either way, as evidenced by the last person, it doesn't matter any precautions the motorists take, this corner is cursed from the start. It's not like the street seems to be a place of particularly high traffic volume either, but perhaps that's a good thing. If it were, there might be an onslaught of chaos that not even this security camera could catch.

We'd recommend that people just find a different corner to cross, because it would appear that it is just not possible to not crash at this one.
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