
People Are Pranking Their Loved Ones By Calling Them Pretending to be Just Some Guy

Uh, who are you?

Back when we still picked up phone calls (can you remember that? When every phone call wasn’t spam? Those were the days!), one of the more annoying and strange experiences was when you’d answer a call from a wrong number. Usually, these people would hang up when they realized their mistake, but I did have one instance where a guy insisted that he got the number correct and that *I* was in the wrong.

Buddy, I’m the one with the phone number, I think I know what’s up!

Rarely, if ever, do you get a wrong number FaceTime. That’s why these people must have felt so strange when they got a FaceTime request from a number they recognized, then saw a strange man on the other end.

Categories: Funny> Pranks

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